Choosing a Celebrant
Welcome and congratulations! If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re planning a special occasion that’s significant to you. Whether it’s a wedding, vow renewal, naming day, or any other milestone, it’s an important event that deserves to be marked in a way that truly reflects your style, values, and beliefs by choosing a Celebrant but choosing the one that is right for you.
I’m going to guide you through the process of choosing a Celebrant, and trust me, it’s more exciting than choosing a flavour of ice cream (well, maybe not that exciting).
Choosing the right celebrant is crucial to creating a personalized and meaningful ceremony that you’ll cherish forever. As a professional celebrant, I’m here to guide you through the process of finding the perfect person to help you bring your vision to life.
So, where do you start? It’s easy – just Google it! Like any other supplier, you’ll find tons of options, and you might feel overwhelmed. But don’t worry, it’s simple really. Here are the three questions you should ask yourself:
Who are You Looking For?
It depends on your wishes and some particularly important questions. Do you want a ceremony that’s fully inclusive and flexible? Are you looking for a ceremony that speaks to one or no particular faith path? What’s important to you as a couple, family, and individual?
This is where you need to reflect on your values, beliefs, and what’s important to you. Are you looking for someone who can complete your legal marriage paperwork on the day, or simply someone who shares your values and beliefs?
I’m a firm believer that everyone deserves to have a ceremony that’s tailored to their specific needs. That’s why I offer an open-minded and inclusive approach that welcomes all faiths and none. I’m a member of the wonderful organization OneSpirit Ireland, whose core beliefs are inclusivity and choice.
As for me, I’m open to all faiths and none. I offer a modern, fresh, and energizing ceremony that captures your personality and wishes, while still upholding the core of the ceremony. Plus, your guests won’t be watching the clock, waiting for the “fun” part of the day – they’ll be entertained! And trust me, it will be heartfelt, authentic, and as fun as you’ve been looking for.
Why Choose a Celebrant?
The second step is to ask yourself why you want a celebrant-led ceremony. The way we celebrate life is changing, and traditional ceremonies are no longer the only option. Celebrants offer a more modern and diverse take on special occasions, and there’s no one size fits all. I believe that everyone deserves to have a ceremony that’s meaningful to them, regardless of their beliefs or values.
Choosing a celebrant is also a practical choice. You no longer have to compromise – you can choose a bespoke celebration that truly reflects you. We offer much more freedom in terms of form and content, which allows you to create a ceremony that truly reflects your personality and wishes. I operate a one ceremony per day policy, so you’ll always have my undivided attention and focus on your special day.
How to Choose a Celebrant?
The final step is to meet or chat with potential celebrants to see if they’re the right fit for you. It’s important to connect with someone who shares your values and beliefs, and who you feel comfortable with. I recommend talking firstly with any celebrant that speaks to your soul, whether you find them through Google, reviews, or word of mouth. You can’t judge a connection based on an initial search result, and it’s essential to meet the individual and see how well you gel with them.
Most Celebrants will talk to you before booking them and if they will not talk to you don’t book them. It is also important for the Celebrant to speak with you so that they have a feel for you and an idea of where you are coming from.
I firmly believe that everyone deserves to have a ceremony that’s truly unique to them. My approach is centred around you, in fact it’s all about you. Working with you I will create a ceremony that’s a true reflection of your style, values, and beliefs. I take pride in crafting bespoke ceremonies that are tailored to your needs, and I believe that it’s the little touches that make all the difference.
So, if you’re looking for a celebrant who will help you create a unique and meaningful ceremony, get in touch with me today. Let’s make your special occasion one that you’ll cherish for a lifetime.