About me
My Mission
My name is Brian Twomey an ordained One Spirit Interfaith Minister based in Cork and HSE Registered Solemniser. Having divorced and wishing to marry in Cork, again, I was searching for a new home. A place where I could be accepted just as I am and that is where I discovered OneSpirit.
I undertook their 2 year Ordination programme. We studied various religions during my studies including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shamanism and native indigenous cultures. I discovered that all faiths and none and accepting each of us as we are is the only show for me! There is a little bit of truth everywhere and everything is connected and forgiveness is key.
Since becoming ordained and becoming a HSE registered solemniser my Ministry has found new depth. I discovered the real power in ritual and ceremony and seeing the joy and love when a couple marry in Cork. Allowing couples marry in a way where they express their love is so important. My mission is to celebrate life, make the ordinary moments extraordinary and bring depth to those special moments.

Useful Resources for you
I have enjoyed developing this website, it’s been a labour of love! Hopefully you will find the resources useful for your wedding ceremony. There is so much out there for you to choose from and I have chosen a few select readings and poems, if you want to marry in Cork. I have also included some music ideas and they are on spotify. There are many ceremony enhancements and I have explained a few of them such as hand-fasting, Unity Candle Ceremony, Sand Ceremony and Ring warming.
I am secretary of OneSpirit Ireland, a member of ROSIM the registry for One Spirit Ministers and also a member of the One Spirit Interfaith Ministers of Ireland Association.
Check out my blog for some useful articles.

Your Amazing Ceremony!
It will be amazing because it will be all about you, your story, your love, your personality and no one will have ever seen it before and no one will ever see it again!
That’s the “x factor” You, your love, your day, your way!
Somewhere beneath the surface of our wants and needs lies a deeper longing –
a yearning that connects us to who and what we are in our essential being.
Life sometimes isn't easy.....
Life sometimes isn’t easy and sometimes those closest to us can hurt us most… we all need to be accepted just as we are and unfortunately we are all not accepted just as we are.
As someone that would not have got through life in one piece were it not for counselling, I can also offer Spiritual Counselling where you can come as you are and I will accept you for who you are.
More Information
To find out more information on One Spirit Ministers in Ireland or to see more about the organisation just click the button below.
What I do....
I would love to talk to you…..
- HSE Registered Legal Wedding Solemniser
- Interfaith non-religious Weddings
- Gay & Lesbian Legal Weddings
- Interfaith non religious Funerals
- Baby Naming & Welcoming Ceremonies
- Vow Renewals
- Spiritual Counselling
- Celtic & Handfasting Ceremonies
- Customised Ceremonies
- Legal Wedding Solemniser
Check out my blog for some useful articles.
Other OneSpirit Ireland Ministers
We are all over Ireland and we do not have any book or creed. We are just a bunch of open minded individuals serving all faiths and none.