The Promises of Marriage...
The Promises of marriage
by Bettie Meeks & Douglas Pagels
Marriage is the joining of two people who share the promise that only marriage can make – to share the sunshine and the shadows and to experience a richer, more fulfilling life because of it.
A marriage is one of life’s most wondrous blessings. It involves taking the words of two life stories and weaving them together on the same page. Every year, in a thousand special ways, the words that will be written in this remarkable story will reflect the strength and the joy and sorrows.
A marriage is the precious, reassuring comfort of having a kindred soul care about your day, every day and each tomorrow, your whole life long.
A marriage is the making of a home that seems so meant to be… between a special people. A marriage is a beautiful journey along life’s road with two people smiling as they go, lovingly… hand in hand.
The promises of marriage. A marriage is a beautiful journey along life’s road with two people smiling as they go, lovingly… hand in hand.
If you are looking for a legal wedding in Cork or a vow renewal please contact me. I am an Interfaith Celebrant and legal solemnisor. I specialise in Handfasting ceremonies and know some great wedding venues in Cork.
So if you are looking for the best wedding celebrant in Cork give me a shout. I promise your Wedding will be heartfelt, fun and everything you wanted.
Have a search around the website. There is information on handfasting, unity candle ceremony, legal necessities for getting married and much much more. Enjoy the planning. Your big day will be here before you know it!
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